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Sustaining the Preaching Life (S.T.P.L.) is a program that supports community for pastors through small groups for a period of six months and offers a framework and tools for improving one’s preaching through a blend of instruction and peer learning.

Worshippers often name strong preaching as a key reason for participating in weekly worship.  And yet, the demands of weekly sermon preparation are a heavy load for pastors when carried alone.  This is even more true today, with the implications of the shifting pandemic for communal worship.  You do not need to go it alone.  Be part of the Sustaining the Preaching Life Program and renew your preaching ministry with vocational friendships and a fresh look at the weekly sermon.

Full participation in the program (2 retreats and 2 online courses) earns 6 C.E.U.s.  Additional self-directed learning activities that a cohort plans and acts on may be eligible for additional C.E.U.s

The 2023 program receives support from a grant from Lilly Endowment, Inc.